2023 Family Harmony Youth Writing Contest
“In All Families: Tears and Laughters”
Announcement of Winners
After a public voting and vote counting ceremony held on October 15, 2023, we are thrilled to announce the talented writers who have emerged as the winners of our contest.
The results were more exciting than we could have expected. The top three stories received an equal number of votes:
As a result, we have three First Place Winners! Our panel of judges has decided to divide the total prize into three equal parts, with each of the top three winners receiving a prize of USD $300.
In a thoughtful gesture, Ms. Liz Lee has graciously expressed her intent to share the prize to the story that received the next highest votes in the event she wins more than one prize. Consequently, a USD $300 prize will be presented to:
經過於2023年10月15日舉行的公開投票和計票儀式,我們非常高興宣佈以下傑出的作家已經脫穎而出,成為了我們比賽的獲獎者。 這次結果比我們預期的更令人興奮,下面前三名故事獲得了相同的票數:
因此,我們有三名一等獎得主! 評審團決定將總獎金分為三等份,三名獲獎者每人將獲得300美元的獎金。
值得一提的是,Ms. Liz Lee 在投票之前已經慷慨表示,如果她獲得多於一個獎項,她將把獎金轉讓給獲得下一個最高票數的故事。 因此,我們將頒發300美元獎金給第四名:

Please click the links below to read the ten best entries.
These 10 finalists are voted by our three judges among all the submissions. (Click here for the biography of our judges)
這10 位決賽入圍者是由我們的三位評審在所有提交的作品中投票選出的。(請點擊此處查看評審簡介)
Our judges invite you to vote for the final three winners from the ten finalists. Individuals must be 14 or older to vote. Votes will be cast at our "Family Fun Fair"; on October 15, 2023, between 2:00 and 4:15 pm. (Click here for detail of the Event.)
我們需要您投票選出三名最終獲勝者。投票將於2023年10月15日下午2點至4點15分在我們的「 家庭繽FUN嘉年華」中進行。(請點擊此處了解活動詳情)
Judging Criteria: The story will be judged by how it touches readers’ hearts and how it reflects the challenges facing families in today's society.